Supreme Court of India, you’re wrong !

On February 2017 the Supreme Court of India allowed a mumbai woman to abort her 24 weeks child  while the present Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971 of India allows abortion only up to 20 weeks. Long story short. The couple from mumbai have approached the courts to abort their 23 week old unborn child. We do not have the information if the child was boy or girl, but let’s name the child Hope, since the baby in this mother’s womb courageously faced the martyrdom in the face of rejection, manipulation, deception, lie and hopelessness of not just the parents and the family and media but the entire justice system of the country- INDIA. The couple had been married only a year and Hope is their first child. However they seemed to have a troubling situation in the pregnancy. It’s said that Hope (the baby in the womb) was diagnosed with Bilateral Renal Agenesis/ Potters Syndrome and anhydromnois   (doctor’s report on Hope) in lay man’s terms – the mother had low amniotic fluid which results in complications in baby’s growth in-utero and one such complication is potters syndrome.

Now, does all children with Potter’s syndrome die before birth? No. Does all women who have low amniotic fluid do not have a successful pregnancy? No. Is there a chance for the baby’s survival after birth? Absolutely. Can the mother be treated to have a positive pregnancy experience? Absolutely. There’s always a huge space where reason and logic has it’s limitation and things cannot be explained by ‘medicine’ and science alone and  incidents happen defying popular opinions. That’s called Miracle. But it’s mind boggling to see that the medical panel appointed by Supreme Court of India said that the woman with anhydromnios is endangering her life by continuing the pregnancy and the baby with Potters Syndrome has no chance of long term survival after birth. Lie! it’s a lie. there are cases where babies with Potter’s syndrome had lived outside womb, undergoing kidney transplant and living life and loving others. So what is long term survival according to the doctors panel appointed by Supreme Court? Will they decide in future only those baby who can live long should be allowed to be born? Are they making criterion for other people’s lives?

Everyone who is born in this earth has to face some risk. disease, accident, natural/man made disaster, just about anything and everything. But should we kill ourselves because of the possible risks we might face in life or hope to live the days in love? While there are similar cases where Abortion was recommended but the mother chose to go ahead with hope and courage being witness to the ‘sacrificial love’, the panel of doctors and the Justice system of India rather dealt with this child in a trashy manner. There was no respect for human life, nobody brought up the aspect of the Right to Life of the child, no one argued about prenatal or perinatal hospice as a humane choice or any other dignified approach in dealing with this issue. Everyone were so quick to kill the child. What kind of society have we become? By this case the Supreme Court of India has shown people that a few people will decide who should live and who shouldn’t and it’s ok to kill a baby with disability therefore encouraging discrimination against people with disabilities. The Supreme Court of India is legitimizing “Eugenics”. Shameful !

We had a choice here. To be hopeful, to surround the family with love and prayers, and make the child in womb feel loved, to teach the society of the value of ‘unconditional love’. At least when things go otherwise, the child would know that his or her mother and father fought for him/her, loved him/her and would continue to love in eternity. But to deal with this condition as if the child is unwanted, or some kind of trash is to teach the society “the survival of fittest”. Today they eliminate this poor little baby on accounts of disability, tomorrow they’ll eliminate you and me on the criterion they fix as they like. As Mother Teresa of Calcutta says : “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion”.  

If you believe in “Karma” then you should expect to be treated like trash when you reach the stage where you would go dependent on someone else to take care of you. The karma of abortion settled in same life is Euthanasia. If you kill your child on accounts of disability, dependency, inconvenience well the same will be measured for you in the coming years. That’s how things work in the drama of life. India will learn her lesson the hard way: that, the Right to Life is a God given right, bestowed on every human life, not a right given by State. She will open her eyes when the Fertility Replacement level of the nation dips down to 2.0. That’s not quite far. You reap what you sow.

“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion”.  

– Mother Teresa of Calcutta

News Articles dealing with the above discussed case :

SC allows Mumbai woman to abort 24-week foetus with no kidneys


Picture 5 – Rape


Most of them I meet at sidewalk and online come up with this argument regarding Abortion: So what if the woman was raped? Should she be forced to carry the ‘rape child’? She will have to live the trauma of rape every time seeing the child and She wasn’t ready for it. My question to them mostly starts like this:

  1. Did the child rape? Wasn’t the child victim as the mother ?
  2. How does punishing the child bring justice and healing to the woman?
  3. If the child is robbed of it’s dignity because of being conceived in rape how can then we expect others in society to treat the women who was raped with dignity?

You cannot restore the dignity of woman who was traumatized by rape without accepting the child conceived in the same situation, victimized just as her, most of the time scape goated  in the place of rapist to be violently torn from womb and negated of a chance to live. Mahatma Gandhi advocates bringing up the child conceived out of infidelity because hurting the child will never heal anyone nor appease her anger and never will unrape her. Her healing depends on her acceptance of the child. If not convinced meet Rebecca Keisling of Save the 1.

And this is how instagram community responds:


Power of Picture 2


Posted this on instagram and guess who stopped by???? A Writer of Indian origin from New York .

Anupama Sharma please keep your New York Feminism trash for yourselves, Indian women do not need anymore of the western fake feminism which is nothing but baby killing. We need true empowerment that comes only out of ahimsa and charity. Do not poison our nation and steal our womanhood. Our woman have all right to be a Mother and have everything that requires to execute the job in its perfect essence.

#Reclaimmotherhood #stopabortioninindia #Jaihind



Pro Life challenge- INDIA

When I talk to people in India about Pro Life issues, I am often caught up in a whirlpool of confusion. They think the west is the worse. Only western women drink and hook up and do abortions. Excuse me. There’s something worse happening in our Motherland.Yes, abortions are happening in India in massive scale. 6.4 million abortion in a year. Evidence? Here you go, from the devil’s mouth :


and massive ethnic cleansing is also happening with the government’s cooperation. How ridiculous am I to say that? Because I have evidence. 4 million sterilization and 5 million IUD insertions done by government and it’s mentioned as “Performance” in the Health Management Information System website of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India. here you go:


not my own statistics, not my own numbers. From the enemy’s den. What’s happening to my country? Who are behind this? Why are they doing this to my people? After 100 years of British colonization is there another 70 years of American cultural imperialism imposed over my people? Is this about Eugenics? Look at the CEO’s of the top companies and look at the massive population control propaganda, any link?

12829510_10153293696530974_480340900011244634_o And amidst all this, my people don’t know the concept of “Pro Life”. They know Breaking Bad, 50 shades of grey, they seem to follow American Idol, Golden Globe awards, they seem to know about Ellen and Big Bang Theory, Wife Swap, Modern Family, they watch 24, confession but they are completely unaware of March for Life , David Daleiden , Planned Parenthood. Eugenics? Sorry they have not even heard of the word before, Genocide? Nope, sorry-they need a seminar on this, Ok talk about China’s one child policy, because they are India’s neighboring country with troubled relationship? Still no. Fine, how about the Emergency period of India declared in 1970’s, it’s our history, the history of the nation? still NO.

The Indians young and old are immersed in the rush to finish school, get a job, repay loan and buy a house. Once they buy a house take a picture and post in facebook to inform others of their status quo and seeing this ten others will run around to buy a better house and post it in facebook. And by this time another 4 million children will be aborted and 5 million women used as experiment subjects for massive contraception test for United States. We have an urgent need to capture the attention of this ever rushing population to speak for their innocent neighbors slaughtered in the womb. There’s a huge cultural gap. While the Pro Choice ideals cross countries and barriers and found its place in India Pro-Life issues has no voice. The Media blacked out everything. No coverage for March for Life, No coverage for Planned Parenthood Baby Parts scandal. So when I say Pro Life, they stare at me and wonder what on earth am I talking about. To the little known friends I beg to get involved in any small way they can, as simple as posting in fb, make videos, at least share stuff, I requested great Prolife leaders to speak on behalf of India, wrote to pro life media,  requested priests in India to speak out but they weren’t ready either.

So I took things in my hand. I will communicate to my people in the way they can understand. No more western images, western quotes, western ideology. We have Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi the two most terrifying Pro Life leaders who are Pro Life without exceptions and have been outspoken about abortion and dignity of human life, I have my own camera,saree and baby models. I’ll use social media to present the truth and help them connect the dots, and the Almighty will use them to convert hearts.



Instagram is exploding with reactions, conversations and conversion and am having quite a bit of fun sitting and witnessing what it means to “Be still and know that I am God.” Anyone who know 5 loaves and two fish parable knows that nothing is too small or too weak to be used for the greater glory of God. I began with Mr.M as a feeble indian woman reluctant to talk to people and now I  get cursed at least twice a day for speaking truth and keep presenting them with LOVE. #StopabortioninIndia ! Jai Hind!