Why did I write to 167 Bishops of India?

wrote to almost all the Bishops in India, including the office of the Nuncio. I had to write to all of them because there is just too much innocent blood flowing down the nation.

This August 10th marks the 47th anniversary of legalized abortion in India. So far, the total estimate of children killed by abortion since 1971 is unknown. But research published in 2017 shows that the total number of abortions performed in India for the year 2015 alone must be 15.6 million.

India legalized abortion on August 10th, 1971 through the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act. But so far there is no single day of remembrance or observance of this horrible day. There are no vigils, protests, public prayer or marches of any sort. It’s just another day in India because India is busy “developing” herself as the fastest growing economy in the world as she stands tall on the pile of butchered bodies of our own babies. We literally practice ‘Narabali’ (human sacrifice) in order to achieve the status of a “Developed Nation”.

Every time we observe the Day of Prayer for the Protection of Unborn children and participate in the January 22 March for Life in the U.S we join with almost a million Americans who stand up for the unborn children killed by abortion in their country and my heart longs for those children murdered in India. Nobody mourns for our children killed by the legal abortion in our country. They are not remembered, their death easily erased off without a memorial. So I thought why not write to the Bishops requesting them to offer Mass and to encourage priests under their leadership to do so as well on August 10th?

With prayers and guidance from a few well-wishers, I embarked on this weird task. I wrote to almost 170 bishops in India pleading them to declare August 10th as “A Day of Prayer for Legal Protection of Unborn Children” and observe the day by offering Mass, praying for an end to abortion. This ‘Day of Remembrance’ will serve threefold purpose: to do penance for the mass murder of innocent children, to pray for the legal protection of unborn children and for the forgiveness and healing of those involved in it and to speak about it so that people will be encouraged to Defend Life.

Was it fruitful? Of course. Seven Bishops and a priest wrote back. They acknowledged the problem, appreciated the effort, and even took time to read the full letter, assuring that they would offer Mass on August 10th as well as encourage other priests to do the same. His Excellency Bishop Alex Vadakumthala Archbishop of Kannur encouraged this humble effort saying ‘it is a timely reminder’ for him to give priority to the pro-life ministry. He chose to speak on the topic of ‘Sanctity of Life’ in Shalom Mirror a live TV show the following week.

Archbishop Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, Fr. Pepin Gnana head of Family Commission in Archdiocese of Calcutta, Bishop Thomas Dabre, Bishop of Poona, His Excellency Mar Paul Alappatt, Bishop of Ramanathapuram, Bishop Chacko Thottumariackal, Bishop of Indore, His Excellency Mar George Njaralakatt, Archbishop of Telicherry and Archbishop Leo Cornelio, the Archbishop of Bhopal were kind enough to respond and assured me that they would offer Mass on August 10th.

Will this trivial effort change the dynamics? Well I can say yes without a slightest doubt because, we’re speaking about offering the Holy Sacrifice of Mass.

There is no stopping abortion without the Eucharist. Abortion is murder. It is on a scale today greater than all previous combined abortion murders in human history. Public demonstrations and statements of all kinds and sizes are all very important. They offer the opportunity for the pro-life Catholic to publicly identify before the world where he or she stands. We must put first things first to know and understand that behind every abortion is the devil, a murderer from the beginning. Our own human resources are entirely inadequate. Divine grace is absolutely necessary to stop abortion. All graces come through Jesus Christ in His human nature. The primary source of these graces is Holy Mass, Holy Communion and Holy Adoration of our Lord in His Real Presence.”

Fr John Hardon, S.J.

Read the full letter addressed to the Bishops here

This post was originally written for IYC

Representing India at March for Life 2018

What is the use of living in US and not participating in March for Life? What’s the point of being an Indian and not representing India at this event? Especially when President Trump has reinstated Mexico City Policy stopping US tax payer funded abortions abroad including India. So off we drove to Washington D.C with our sign to thank Trump Administration or at least to let people know about it and show our gratitude. Come on! more than 40 -60 million U.S. dollars spent annually on abortion in India so far will be redirected from now on to life affirming projects and how can we not thank the Trump administration for this? especially when Indian pro choice media is busy trashing President (#globalgagrule)?

So glad the message was well received by people. We got a handful of them stop us and ask more details about the Mexico City Policy and how it affected India. A couple of them took pictures and it caught the eye of few media as well. Most of all people promised us with prayers for an end to the Culture of Death in India.

20180119_105527    20180119_140722

Because the reality that 16 million innocent children were killed in one year in India is something that should give us sleepless nights. The numbers are huge, the tragedy is monstrous, there’s too much involved and what a singe person can do? this is the question many people ask me. Yes, it is huge, it is filthy big, it is monstrous but what a single person can do depends upon the person’s conviction to proclaim the truth and to defend life and one’s faith in God.

While almost a million Americans were marching in D.C remembering the victims of abortion holocaust and the day it was legalized in their country we marched for the babies in America by abortion as well as the babies killed in India through same way with American taxpayer money. Trust me! we got thousands of them giving thumbs up and hundreds quite surprised at our post. At the end of the day so many of these people came to know about the abortion holocaust happening in India, with and without American funds and gained solidarity in standing up for life.

Here are few humble mentions :




March for Life 2018 – one of the unforgettable experience.  Pray, wish and hope for such a movement in India to defend our unborn Indians. Shame on us Indians that we go about eating drinking and partying as our unborn brothers and sisters are killed in India in the name of population control and development. But this shall not remain the same. It shall change, when you and me begin to do what we can do.

“. . . we are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life, the “culture of death” and the “culture of life”. We find ourselves not only faced with but necessarily in the midst of this conflict: we are all involved and we all share in it, with the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally pro-life.” (Evangelium Vitae


Supreme Court of India, you’re wrong !

On February 2017 the Supreme Court of India allowed a mumbai woman to abort her 24 weeks child  while the present Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971 of India allows abortion only up to 20 weeks. Long story short. The couple from mumbai have approached the courts to abort their 23 week old unborn child. We do not have the information if the child was boy or girl, but let’s name the child Hope, since the baby in this mother’s womb courageously faced the martyrdom in the face of rejection, manipulation, deception, lie and hopelessness of not just the parents and the family and media but the entire justice system of the country- INDIA. The couple had been married only a year and Hope is their first child. However they seemed to have a troubling situation in the pregnancy. It’s said that Hope (the baby in the womb) was diagnosed with Bilateral Renal Agenesis/ Potters Syndrome and anhydromnois   (doctor’s report on Hope) in lay man’s terms – the mother had low amniotic fluid which results in complications in baby’s growth in-utero and one such complication is potters syndrome.

Now, does all children with Potter’s syndrome die before birth? No. Does all women who have low amniotic fluid do not have a successful pregnancy? No. Is there a chance for the baby’s survival after birth? Absolutely. Can the mother be treated to have a positive pregnancy experience? Absolutely. There’s always a huge space where reason and logic has it’s limitation and things cannot be explained by ‘medicine’ and science alone and  incidents happen defying popular opinions. That’s called Miracle. But it’s mind boggling to see that the medical panel appointed by Supreme Court of India said that the woman with anhydromnios is endangering her life by continuing the pregnancy and the baby with Potters Syndrome has no chance of long term survival after birth. Lie! it’s a lie. there are cases where babies with Potter’s syndrome had lived outside womb, undergoing kidney transplant and living life and loving others. So what is long term survival according to the doctors panel appointed by Supreme Court? Will they decide in future only those baby who can live long should be allowed to be born? Are they making criterion for other people’s lives?

Everyone who is born in this earth has to face some risk. disease, accident, natural/man made disaster, just about anything and everything. But should we kill ourselves because of the possible risks we might face in life or hope to live the days in love? While there are similar cases where Abortion was recommended but the mother chose to go ahead with hope and courage being witness to the ‘sacrificial love’, the panel of doctors and the Justice system of India rather dealt with this child in a trashy manner. There was no respect for human life, nobody brought up the aspect of the Right to Life of the child, no one argued about prenatal or perinatal hospice as a humane choice or any other dignified approach in dealing with this issue. Everyone were so quick to kill the child. What kind of society have we become? By this case the Supreme Court of India has shown people that a few people will decide who should live and who shouldn’t and it’s ok to kill a baby with disability therefore encouraging discrimination against people with disabilities. The Supreme Court of India is legitimizing “Eugenics”. Shameful !

We had a choice here. To be hopeful, to surround the family with love and prayers, and make the child in womb feel loved, to teach the society of the value of ‘unconditional love’. At least when things go otherwise, the child would know that his or her mother and father fought for him/her, loved him/her and would continue to love in eternity. But to deal with this condition as if the child is unwanted, or some kind of trash is to teach the society “the survival of fittest”. Today they eliminate this poor little baby on accounts of disability, tomorrow they’ll eliminate you and me on the criterion they fix as they like. As Mother Teresa of Calcutta says : “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion”.  

If you believe in “Karma” then you should expect to be treated like trash when you reach the stage where you would go dependent on someone else to take care of you. The karma of abortion settled in same life is Euthanasia. If you kill your child on accounts of disability, dependency, inconvenience well the same will be measured for you in the coming years. That’s how things work in the drama of life. India will learn her lesson the hard way: that, the Right to Life is a God given right, bestowed on every human life, not a right given by State. She will open her eyes when the Fertility Replacement level of the nation dips down to 2.0. That’s not quite far. You reap what you sow.

“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion”.  

– Mother Teresa of Calcutta

News Articles dealing with the above discussed case :


SC allows Mumbai woman to abort 24-week foetus with no kidneys


Indians at March for Life 2017

3 million Indians live in America. But not a single unified Prolife representation. My eyes constantly scanned the crowd to see if we could get hold of Indians and if somebody will get hold of us. But it was a shock to me when we learned that more than 50% of Indians who live in America are Democrats. And after a while I thought to myself, with less than 5% of catholic population in India and radical Hinduism running the government how could reality be different. After all Democrats advocated for slavery and segregation and have strong affiliation with racist ideology and so do upper caste hindus who established ‘Eugenic Clinics’ in India and whose families have the money and opportunity to come to America and finance radical Hindutva groups back in homeland. We finally spotted two faces that resembled of Indian origin but they were too shy to stop for a chat or to shake hands. Nevertheless we went parading the streets with our banner to show the few who gave thumbs up and smiles, encouraging our humble effort to represent Indians at the great March for Life.


The kindness showed by fellow Americans will not let you rest after the March is over so you can get back to the comfort of the heated cozy indoors. img_2730When you see pregnant women, babies, old people with walkers, people in wheel chair marching on a freezing windy day, you are moved to do more. This is the America which India never got to know. This is the America the liberal Indian media would never want the ordinary Indian to know. The America which defends life, which gives voice for the voiceless. And so this is exactly what we wanted our people back in India to know.
People estimated the crowd to be more than 700,000. And to see such a huge crowd march without any tension, without any violence, without a single curse word is what I feel is the mark of a changing Culture. And this is what we need in India. As we marched, looking at the enthusiasm of people, the chanting, the signs, the energy, the freedom, the spirit our hearts longed to experience the same in the homeland. Our people are being killed, killed in massive numbers. Our people are being exploited and betrayed. Our people need to wake up and get to work.

March for Life marks the infamous day of Jan 22,1973 when the Supreme Court of United States legalized the killing of innocent children in their mother’s womb through the deception, lie and manipulation of the case called Roe V Wade. However the truth is that this woman Roe never aborted her child. But her case opened the floodgates of abortion in America killing more than 50 million children in America alone since 1973. But… India legalized abortion 2 years before America and since then according to the IPPF reports 4-6 million abortions are performed every year in India. So what’s the fertility level and Fertility Replacement Level of the country? Less than 2.3 . Which means India is dying.

6 million abortions and 4 million sterilization per year, including  mifeprestone in family planning program, the media’s betrayal, the dark forgotten past of legalizing abortion and above all this, trying to extend legal abortion date beyond fetal viability and bringing in active euthanasia and unregulated sex education  is simply evil beyond comprehension. And we don’t March, no candlelight vigils, no prayers, no prolife legislation, nothing. The Church is silent, the NGO’s active in promoting death, the culture is changing and people are being killed. Every day- every minute. When are we going to wake up?

However, great things happen from humble beginning. And may be this March is one such milestone. We had good conversation with friends and family in India, conversations about abortion and life which usually doesn’t happen, friends wondering what are we into, and strangers sharing posts and questioning about abortion. May be 2018 would be different, with increased sense of awareness of Culture of death and reverence to Life in India.

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Abortion is anti woman


I end my day as usual with instagram involving in some online evangelization. So I post the above picture to capture the attention of Indians mainly so they can  relate to the quote. And not surprisingly I catch a fish. Hooray! This is what I was waiting for! Here’s the question she throws at me:


There’s a serious need for prolife education and evangelization.  People who can spend time in the streets and online engaging in conversations, again, engaging in conversations not arguments in such a way seeds are planted. The rest will be taken care of.

Jai hind!

Picture 5 – Rape


Most of them I meet at sidewalk and online come up with this argument regarding Abortion: So what if the woman was raped? Should she be forced to carry the ‘rape child’? She will have to live the trauma of rape every time seeing the child and She wasn’t ready for it. My question to them mostly starts like this:

  1. Did the child rape? Wasn’t the child victim as the mother ?
  2. How does punishing the child bring justice and healing to the woman?
  3. If the child is robbed of it’s dignity because of being conceived in rape how can then we expect others in society to treat the women who was raped with dignity?

You cannot restore the dignity of woman who was traumatized by rape without accepting the child conceived in the same situation, victimized just as her, most of the time scape goated  in the place of rapist to be violently torn from womb and negated of a chance to live. Mahatma Gandhi advocates bringing up the child conceived out of infidelity because hurting the child will never heal anyone nor appease her anger and never will unrape her. Her healing depends on her acceptance of the child. If not convinced meet Rebecca Keisling of Save the 1.

And this is how instagram community responds:


Power of Picture 4- Contraception


How misformed people are! That zygotes are not ‘person’ or ‘human being’ and it’s ok to kill at the beginning of human life in early stages- that’s right, when the target is defenseless and vulnerable and without any identity. That the Mother’s right supersedes the Right of the child in her that she can decide to torture the child, kill it or keep it. What on earth are we living? Where’s human compassion? kindness? where’s humanity? Read the comments below posted as pictures and you’ll know whatever Mother Teresa said was so true.

Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.

This is the present situation of the unborn child. People wanted sex without life and now sex without love. Women have no right to complain on being used by men because they allowed so. This is exactly expressed in fine tone by Daniel Vitz who writes on Mahatma Gandhi :

He(Gandhi) believed that woman “should realize her majesty and train herself to say ‘No’ when she means it,” and that man “must understand that woman is his companion and helpmate in life, and not a means of satisfying his carnal desire.” In Gandhi’s view, contraception made it easier to objectify women, and would poison a true understanding of their worth.

If we open door to contraception and ask Abortion not to enter, well we’ve got it wrong. Pope Paul VI clearly predicted the present Genocide back in 60’s in his encyclical “Humanae Vitae”. When you separate unitive and procreative aspect human sexuality from the sacred bond of Marriage, hell is unleashed.


Power of Picture 3


What’s so negative about this picture? Well here you go : Only a Pro Choice person can find it.. Please Pray that this person’s heart be touched and her eyes be opened.





Power of Picture 2


Posted this on instagram and guess who stopped by???? A Writer of Indian origin from New York .

Anupama Sharma please keep your New York Feminism trash for yourselves, Indian women do not need anymore of the western fake feminism which is nothing but baby killing. We need true empowerment that comes only out of ahimsa and charity. Do not poison our nation and steal our womanhood. Our woman have all right to be a Mother and have everything that requires to execute the job in its perfect essence.

#Reclaimmotherhood #stopabortioninindia #Jaihind

