Indians at March for Life 2017

3 million Indians live in America. But not a single unified Prolife representation. My eyes constantly scanned the crowd to see if we could get hold of Indians and if somebody will get hold of us. But it was a shock to me when we learned that more than 50% of Indians who live in America are Democrats. And after a while I thought to myself, with less than 5% of catholic population in India and radical Hinduism running the government how could reality be different. After all Democrats advocated for slavery and segregation and have strong affiliation with racist ideology and so do upper caste hindus who established ‘Eugenic Clinics’ in India and whose families have the money and opportunity to come to America and finance radical Hindutva groups back in homeland. We finally spotted two faces that resembled of Indian origin but they were too shy to stop for a chat or to shake hands. Nevertheless we went parading the streets with our banner to show the few who gave thumbs up and smiles, encouraging our humble effort to represent Indians at the great March for Life.


The kindness showed by fellow Americans will not let you rest after the March is over so you can get back to the comfort of the heated cozy indoors. img_2730When you see pregnant women, babies, old people with walkers, people in wheel chair marching on a freezing windy day, you are moved to do more. This is the America which India never got to know. This is the America the liberal Indian media would never want the ordinary Indian to know. The America which defends life, which gives voice for the voiceless. And so this is exactly what we wanted our people back in India to know.
People estimated the crowd to be more than 700,000. And to see such a huge crowd march without any tension, without any violence, without a single curse word is what I feel is the mark of a changing Culture. And this is what we need in India. As we marched, looking at the enthusiasm of people, the chanting, the signs, the energy, the freedom, the spirit our hearts longed to experience the same in the homeland. Our people are being killed, killed in massive numbers. Our people are being exploited and betrayed. Our people need to wake up and get to work.

March for Life marks the infamous day of Jan 22,1973 when the Supreme Court of United States legalized the killing of innocent children in their mother’s womb through the deception, lie and manipulation of the case called Roe V Wade. However the truth is that this woman Roe never aborted her child. But her case opened the floodgates of abortion in America killing more than 50 million children in America alone since 1973. But… India legalized abortion 2 years before America and since then according to the IPPF reports 4-6 million abortions are performed every year in India. So what’s the fertility level and Fertility Replacement Level of the country? Less than 2.3 . Which means India is dying.

6 million abortions and 4 million sterilization per year, including  mifeprestone in family planning program, the media’s betrayal, the dark forgotten past of legalizing abortion and above all this, trying to extend legal abortion date beyond fetal viability and bringing in active euthanasia and unregulated sex education  is simply evil beyond comprehension. And we don’t March, no candlelight vigils, no prayers, no prolife legislation, nothing. The Church is silent, the NGO’s active in promoting death, the culture is changing and people are being killed. Every day- every minute. When are we going to wake up?

However, great things happen from humble beginning. And may be this March is one such milestone. We had good conversation with friends and family in India, conversations about abortion and life which usually doesn’t happen, friends wondering what are we into, and strangers sharing posts and questioning about abortion. May be 2018 would be different, with increased sense of awareness of Culture of death and reverence to Life in India.

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Picture 5 – Rape


Most of them I meet at sidewalk and online come up with this argument regarding Abortion: So what if the woman was raped? Should she be forced to carry the ‘rape child’? She will have to live the trauma of rape every time seeing the child and She wasn’t ready for it. My question to them mostly starts like this:

  1. Did the child rape? Wasn’t the child victim as the mother ?
  2. How does punishing the child bring justice and healing to the woman?
  3. If the child is robbed of it’s dignity because of being conceived in rape how can then we expect others in society to treat the women who was raped with dignity?

You cannot restore the dignity of woman who was traumatized by rape without accepting the child conceived in the same situation, victimized just as her, most of the time scape goated  in the place of rapist to be violently torn from womb and negated of a chance to live. Mahatma Gandhi advocates bringing up the child conceived out of infidelity because hurting the child will never heal anyone nor appease her anger and never will unrape her. Her healing depends on her acceptance of the child. If not convinced meet Rebecca Keisling of Save the 1.

And this is how instagram community responds:


Pro Life challenge- INDIA

When I talk to people in India about Pro Life issues, I am often caught up in a whirlpool of confusion. They think the west is the worse. Only western women drink and hook up and do abortions. Excuse me. There’s something worse happening in our Motherland.Yes, abortions are happening in India in massive scale. 6.4 million abortion in a year. Evidence? Here you go, from the devil’s mouth :


and massive ethnic cleansing is also happening with the government’s cooperation. How ridiculous am I to say that? Because I have evidence. 4 million sterilization and 5 million IUD insertions done by government and it’s mentioned as “Performance” in the Health Management Information System website of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India. here you go:


not my own statistics, not my own numbers. From the enemy’s den. What’s happening to my country? Who are behind this? Why are they doing this to my people? After 100 years of British colonization is there another 70 years of American cultural imperialism imposed over my people? Is this about Eugenics? Look at the CEO’s of the top companies and look at the massive population control propaganda, any link?

12829510_10153293696530974_480340900011244634_o And amidst all this, my people don’t know the concept of “Pro Life”. They know Breaking Bad, 50 shades of grey, they seem to follow American Idol, Golden Globe awards, they seem to know about Ellen and Big Bang Theory, Wife Swap, Modern Family, they watch 24, confession but they are completely unaware of March for Life , David Daleiden , Planned Parenthood. Eugenics? Sorry they have not even heard of the word before, Genocide? Nope, sorry-they need a seminar on this, Ok talk about China’s one child policy, because they are India’s neighboring country with troubled relationship? Still no. Fine, how about the Emergency period of India declared in 1970’s, it’s our history, the history of the nation? still NO.

The Indians young and old are immersed in the rush to finish school, get a job, repay loan and buy a house. Once they buy a house take a picture and post in facebook to inform others of their status quo and seeing this ten others will run around to buy a better house and post it in facebook. And by this time another 4 million children will be aborted and 5 million women used as experiment subjects for massive contraception test for United States. We have an urgent need to capture the attention of this ever rushing population to speak for their innocent neighbors slaughtered in the womb. There’s a huge cultural gap. While the Pro Choice ideals cross countries and barriers and found its place in India Pro-Life issues has no voice. The Media blacked out everything. No coverage for March for Life, No coverage for Planned Parenthood Baby Parts scandal. So when I say Pro Life, they stare at me and wonder what on earth am I talking about. To the little known friends I beg to get involved in any small way they can, as simple as posting in fb, make videos, at least share stuff, I requested great Prolife leaders to speak on behalf of India, wrote to pro life media,  requested priests in India to speak out but they weren’t ready either.

So I took things in my hand. I will communicate to my people in the way they can understand. No more western images, western quotes, western ideology. We have Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi the two most terrifying Pro Life leaders who are Pro Life without exceptions and have been outspoken about abortion and dignity of human life, I have my own camera,saree and baby models. I’ll use social media to present the truth and help them connect the dots, and the Almighty will use them to convert hearts.



Instagram is exploding with reactions, conversations and conversion and am having quite a bit of fun sitting and witnessing what it means to “Be still and know that I am God.” Anyone who know 5 loaves and two fish parable knows that nothing is too small or too weak to be used for the greater glory of God. I began with Mr.M as a feeble indian woman reluctant to talk to people and now I  get cursed at least twice a day for speaking truth and keep presenting them with LOVE. #StopabortioninIndia ! Jai Hind!

The infamous side of the Indian Immigrants

The Indian immigrants are often stereotyped  as being ‘nice’, ‘techie’, ‘smart’, hard working computer gurus. Specially known for spicy food, bollywood dance, a tolerant next door neighbor who makes sure their kids have everything, working their butt off for a four digit salary only to go back to India once in awhile to show off their new western lifestyle while spontaneously bad mouthing westerners.

Not many of you know about the Indians who are pathetic color driven racist population who would love to associate themselves with any other social groups considered to be holding higher power in the social stratum. Not many of you know about the career obsessed, avaricious, stringent Indians whose male population still accept dowry. However Indians in India have a very different view about Indians abroad. It’s often a mix of pride and jealousy. But there’s a creepy side to the Indian diaspora that everyone should know. Let me give you a glimpse of this special group and how they make money which none of the media will let you know. Not the NDTV or the The Hindu, neither the Indian Express nor India Today.

Thanks to the blessing of being jobless which provided me with the time and opportunity to go through the most wrongful cases of 983 records and filter the worst of worst Indian doctors overseas to present to you here:

Naresh Kumar Patel

Dr.Naresh Kumar Patel

The first place goes to Dr.NareshKumar Patel. Dr.Naresh is known for rape, sodomizing his patients, prescribing abortion drugs to women who weren’t pregnant and dumping aborted babies and body parts near his clinic. According to LifesiteNews Patel made $1.4 million annually and his net worth is $28 million. You guys never really knew how some Indians abroad made money right? well there’s more to the story which will be different to hear from one of his victims herself presented in the video below and checkout her letter to Dr. Patel : here

Savita Ginde

No.2 in the list is the most infamous Dr.Savita Ginde who was caught in the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal. If you’re an Indian and you feel so proud about all the Indian doctors I would like to introduce you to Dr.Savita Ginde who is based in Colorado. Dr. Ginde works for Planned Parenthood America’s largest abortion provider, the organization which makes money by cheating women to think their child is a threat to them and ultimately killing them would give all the freedom and comfort a woman can have. The Rocky Mountain clinic in which Dr.Ginde works does 10,000 abortions per year and is also involved in selling the body parts of the babies that are aborted. Let me give you the numbers.  PP charges $500/abortion, $500 for anesthesia and gets profit of $50-$75 per body part of the baby. And when I mean body parts it’s a long list of the baby’s organs like eyes, gonads, liver, heart, neural tissue, kidneys and so on. Dr. Ginde makes $300,000 per year. That’s much more than a software manager with a 20 years of experience working 60 hrs/week can make. The Planned Parenthood of Rocky Mountains was best known for performing abortion on a 13 yr old teen who was sexually abused by her step father himself whose rape they covered by providing abortion to the child and send her away with the rapist. I bet Savita did not make headlines in India because they were busy gathering the pearls of wisdom from Kaitlyn Jenner.

 Vikram Kaji

I am so burdened by now to realize the monstrosity of evil that my fellow Indian men have begotten. Not that I’ve completely gone blind to the beauty of the diverse nation which has fought it’s british conquerors through Ahimsa/non-violence, but the reality is so hard to face that these true accounts never made it to people’s knowledge and just slipped through the millions of pages in internet. Shockingly i’ve reached only a quarter of my blog post and I already see a pool of innocent blood for which a group of Indians are responsible.

Vikram Hiralal Kaji from Bombay is one among the list. An abortionist and a convicted sex offender operating clinics in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The list  of his offence goes on to include harassing patients, having sex with one young underage girl who happens to be the victim of child sex abuse suffering from depression in the birthing center of his office during business hours, misprescribing medications which resulted in losing his controlled substance license, forced abortion, history of severe disciplinary actions including licence revocations and suspensions. The New York Medical Board made sure Kaji cannot practice in NY and revoked his license  for ‘sexual misconduct and drug abuse’. It’s funny to hear from an abortionist who also happen to be a sex offender to say that the abortion clinic is an unhappy place and nobody is happy performing the abortions.

Vinod and Vijayalakshmi Goyal

_RCU0KJTP0No.4 in the list are the Goyals  who owned seven abortion clinics  in Illinois, one of which is closed permanently. The husband and wife team of abortionists, Vinod Goyal and Vijay Lakshmi Goyal as the name suggests clearly of their Indian roots, graduates of Government Medical College of Punjabi University, Patiala have a dark history of license restrictions, insurance frauds and disciplinary actions from State including nine malpractice lawsuits against them. The couples made huge amount of money considering the fact that they owned more than one surgical abortion facility. However they couldn’t withstand in their bloody  business due to active prayer and sidewalk advocacy campaigns organized by local pro-life groups mainly Prolife Action League. The details doesn’t stop here. There are two more Indians who belong to this team of abortionists. Dr. Nisha Goyal Patel, obviously a family member and Dr. Sampath K Chennamaneni . Dr. Sampath is a native of Warangal, Andhra Pradesh in India, a graduate of Karnataka Medical College.

Yogendra Shah

Meet the man who wants the pro-life people outside his clinic to die and whose clinic has done more than 100,000 abortions in 27 years of its existence in the Granite City, in southwest Illinois. Notorious abortionist Yogendra Shah is not only known for botched abortion which puts the life of a woman at risk while performing the procedure but, also well known for trying to run down a pro-life minister in front of the clinic. This is the infamous clinic where ‘clinic escorts’ attacked pro-life people, even children as young as 9 yr old. This is the same clinic that performed abortion on a 15 yr old teen who was being abused for a  year. The video above shows the record of 911 call of Yogendra Shah’s botched abortion.

Ashutosh Ron Virmani


Remember that I’ve mentioned previously about the ‘racist‘ mentality of Indian population who blabbermouth about white supremacy? Well here’s my evidence. Dr.Virmani who holds medical licence in Newark, NJ, PA and NC is not just an abortionist but a racist and a sex offender.  When the pro-life activists of Operation Save America confronted Dr.Virmani about abortions He says: ““I as a taxpayer do not wish for those babies to be born, and brought up, and kill those people in Colorado, Let me see you adopt one of those ugly black babies.” Well Dr. Virmani has one clear reason to be an abortionist, to exterminate a group of people which we call genocide. Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, responded: “Excuse me?  It’s all too obvious that he has a particular disgust for black babies and therefore has no problems killing them.” Gardner continued: “The black community should be outraged because Ashutosh Virmani is a brazen racist and his statement supports what we already know of the billion dollar abortion industry–black babies are targeted because they are seen as poor, worthless and maybe even ‘ugly. The video which went viral has been removed however here’s the audio source.

Delhi Thweatt

Add a mother’s death to the additional hundreds of babies who were aborted by Dr. Delhi Thweatt and a malpractice suit while working for Planned Parenthood, Maryland. Could someone perform an abortion but do not obtain the dead child out of the uterus while doing a suction curettage procedure? Well it seems possible for Dr. Delhi.

Dr.Delhi, who worked for PP then failed to provide proper care for Viki Jackson who had an ectopic pregnancy rather, served her in PP’s popular way ‘Care no matter what‘ by doing an imaginary abortion procedure for which she was charged and sent home with serious injuries. And please note that Planned Parenthood charges $500 per abortion. Also nothing can bring back dead kelly back who was only 32 yrs old and 8 weeks pregnant when she came all the way from Vermont to Pennsylvania only to lose her life to the negligence of Dr.Delhi.

Sujatha Prabhakaran 


Dr. Sujatha Prabhakaran is the Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida based in Sarasota, FL. Please don’t ask me about the money that can pour in for someone in this position, it’s way beyond six digits. Sujatha works for the organization which is America’s largest abortion giant, the organization that gives quotas to it’s workers to achieve, just like any other business firm. The only thing you might not like to hear or even gets to boil your blood is that with this organization the quotas is with respect to no. of abortions, i.e no. of death to an unborn child wins them more monetary benefits. no. of women they can betray into getting an abortion gives them higher compensation. She states that her goal is to “work towards making abortion and reproductive health care not only less taboo in our society but an accepted part of health care.”

Sheo P Sharma

A graduate from Bihar, India with 9 malpractice claims, Sharma is also responsible for a death of a new born and causing permanent damage while performing an abortion which resulted in uterine and bladder perforation . The patient had to undergo additional correctional surgeries and repeated blood transfusion due to his negligence.  He also left sponge, plastic and debris in the abdomen of another woman on whom he operated which caused her the removal of her uterus, fallopian tubes and small bowel.

Well it’s not over. The list goes on to include Fazal Mehmood Manejwala who performed abortion on a minor without parental consent, Nalini Obilisundar Morris from Tirupur, Madras who works for Planned Parenthood in Ohio which is famous for botched abortions, illegal body part sales, covering the child sex abuse of minors and involving in  genocide of African Americans, Prabhavathy Nama an alumni of JSS Medical College, Bangalore, India, Rupa Dilip Kumar Patel, Bhavik Kumar,Zhara Noorulla Virani, Namita Kattal a graduate of AIIMS, Delhi, Vikram Kothandaraman from Madras, now Chennai a graduate of Chengalpattu Medical College and Rameet Harpal Singh who works for UNM Center for Reproductive Health a center known for botched abortion as the evidence given below.

 There are many more out there and I might need another ten shots of caffeine to go through the trauma of gathering all these information only to know that Indians have no organized effort to fight the evil of institutionalized murder of unborn children not just abroad but even in India. If any of you are going to blame the sex selective abortions in India to the lack of education, well I got to remind you that the people we are dealing with right now are not just literates but, highly technical literates in science, specially in the field of Medicine who perform and promote death of innocent children and comfortably call it ‘abortion care’.

After all those centuries of fight against  Sati (bride burning), dowry, child marriage, Untouchability, sex selective abortions it seems we are moving backwards to a dangerous zone of culture of death which is dominated by ideologies of consumerism, false notion of freedom, a flawed interpretation of feminism and ultimately a distorted view of life and human person.

While everyone is going crazy about british airlines not knowing Sachin Tendulkar’s full name, there are hundreds of innocent children dismembered inside the womb by doctors like Savita Ginde who makes her living by selling the body parts of aborted babies. Do we have any Indians outraged by this heinous crime?

 when counseling a young man whose unfaithful wife has become pregnant, he (Mahatma Gandhi) stated that it is “clear as daylight that abortion would be a crime,”

and that it is “the sacred duty of the husband to bring up the baby with all the love and tenderness that he is capable of and to refuse to yield to the counsels of [those who recommend abortion].”