Why did I write to 167 Bishops of India?

wrote to almost all the Bishops in India, including the office of the Nuncio. I had to write to all of them because there is just too much innocent blood flowing down the nation.

This August 10th marks the 47th anniversary of legalized abortion in India. So far, the total estimate of children killed by abortion since 1971 is unknown. But research published in 2017 shows that the total number of abortions performed in India for the year 2015 alone must be 15.6 million.

India legalized abortion on August 10th, 1971 through the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act. But so far there is no single day of remembrance or observance of this horrible day. There are no vigils, protests, public prayer or marches of any sort. It’s just another day in India because India is busy “developing” herself as the fastest growing economy in the world as she stands tall on the pile of butchered bodies of our own babies. We literally practice ‘Narabali’ (human sacrifice) in order to achieve the status of a “Developed Nation”.

Every time we observe the Day of Prayer for the Protection of Unborn children and participate in the January 22 March for Life in the U.S we join with almost a million Americans who stand up for the unborn children killed by abortion in their country and my heart longs for those children murdered in India. Nobody mourns for our children killed by the legal abortion in our country. They are not remembered, their death easily erased off without a memorial. So I thought why not write to the Bishops requesting them to offer Mass and to encourage priests under their leadership to do so as well on August 10th?

With prayers and guidance from a few well-wishers, I embarked on this weird task. I wrote to almost 170 bishops in India pleading them to declare August 10th as “A Day of Prayer for Legal Protection of Unborn Children” and observe the day by offering Mass, praying for an end to abortion. This ‘Day of Remembrance’ will serve threefold purpose: to do penance for the mass murder of innocent children, to pray for the legal protection of unborn children and for the forgiveness and healing of those involved in it and to speak about it so that people will be encouraged to Defend Life.

Was it fruitful? Of course. Seven Bishops and a priest wrote back. They acknowledged the problem, appreciated the effort, and even took time to read the full letter, assuring that they would offer Mass on August 10th as well as encourage other priests to do the same. His Excellency Bishop Alex Vadakumthala Archbishop of Kannur encouraged this humble effort saying ‘it is a timely reminder’ for him to give priority to the pro-life ministry. He chose to speak on the topic of ‘Sanctity of Life’ in Shalom Mirror a live TV show the following week.

Archbishop Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, Fr. Pepin Gnana head of Family Commission in Archdiocese of Calcutta, Bishop Thomas Dabre, Bishop of Poona, His Excellency Mar Paul Alappatt, Bishop of Ramanathapuram, Bishop Chacko Thottumariackal, Bishop of Indore, His Excellency Mar George Njaralakatt, Archbishop of Telicherry and Archbishop Leo Cornelio, the Archbishop of Bhopal were kind enough to respond and assured me that they would offer Mass on August 10th.

Will this trivial effort change the dynamics? Well I can say yes without a slightest doubt because, we’re speaking about offering the Holy Sacrifice of Mass.

There is no stopping abortion without the Eucharist. Abortion is murder. It is on a scale today greater than all previous combined abortion murders in human history. Public demonstrations and statements of all kinds and sizes are all very important. They offer the opportunity for the pro-life Catholic to publicly identify before the world where he or she stands. We must put first things first to know and understand that behind every abortion is the devil, a murderer from the beginning. Our own human resources are entirely inadequate. Divine grace is absolutely necessary to stop abortion. All graces come through Jesus Christ in His human nature. The primary source of these graces is Holy Mass, Holy Communion and Holy Adoration of our Lord in His Real Presence.”

Fr John Hardon, S.J.

Read the full letter addressed to the Bishops here

This post was originally written for IYC

Picture 5 – Rape


Most of them I meet at sidewalk and online come up with this argument regarding Abortion: So what if the woman was raped? Should she be forced to carry the ‘rape child’? She will have to live the trauma of rape every time seeing the child and She wasn’t ready for it. My question to them mostly starts like this:

  1. Did the child rape? Wasn’t the child victim as the mother ?
  2. How does punishing the child bring justice and healing to the woman?
  3. If the child is robbed of it’s dignity because of being conceived in rape how can then we expect others in society to treat the women who was raped with dignity?

You cannot restore the dignity of woman who was traumatized by rape without accepting the child conceived in the same situation, victimized just as her, most of the time scape goated  in the place of rapist to be violently torn from womb and negated of a chance to live. Mahatma Gandhi advocates bringing up the child conceived out of infidelity because hurting the child will never heal anyone nor appease her anger and never will unrape her. Her healing depends on her acceptance of the child. If not convinced meet Rebecca Keisling of Save the 1.

And this is how instagram community responds:


Power of Picture 4- Contraception


How misformed people are! That zygotes are not ‘person’ or ‘human being’ and it’s ok to kill at the beginning of human life in early stages- that’s right, when the target is defenseless and vulnerable and without any identity. That the Mother’s right supersedes the Right of the child in her that she can decide to torture the child, kill it or keep it. What on earth are we living? Where’s human compassion? kindness? where’s humanity? Read the comments below posted as pictures and you’ll know whatever Mother Teresa said was so true.

Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.

This is the present situation of the unborn child. People wanted sex without life and now sex without love. Women have no right to complain on being used by men because they allowed so. This is exactly expressed in fine tone by Daniel Vitz who writes on Mahatma Gandhi :

He(Gandhi) believed that woman “should realize her majesty and train herself to say ‘No’ when she means it,” and that man “must understand that woman is his companion and helpmate in life, and not a means of satisfying his carnal desire.” In Gandhi’s view, contraception made it easier to objectify women, and would poison a true understanding of their worth.

If we open door to contraception and ask Abortion not to enter, well we’ve got it wrong. Pope Paul VI clearly predicted the present Genocide back in 60’s in his encyclical “Humanae Vitae”. When you separate unitive and procreative aspect human sexuality from the sacred bond of Marriage, hell is unleashed.


Power of Picture 3


What’s so negative about this picture? Well here you go : Only a Pro Choice person can find it.. Please Pray that this person’s heart be touched and her eyes be opened.





Power of Picture 2


Posted this on instagram and guess who stopped by???? A Writer of Indian origin from New York .

Anupama Sharma please keep your New York Feminism trash for yourselves, Indian women do not need anymore of the western fake feminism which is nothing but baby killing. We need true empowerment that comes only out of ahimsa and charity. Do not poison our nation and steal our womanhood. Our woman have all right to be a Mother and have everything that requires to execute the job in its perfect essence.

#Reclaimmotherhood #stopabortioninindia #Jaihind



Power of a Picture


So posted this picture in Instagram and guess what????


Facts every Sidewalk Counselor should know

Quite often Pro Lifers are caught up in baseless arguments of Pro choice people who claim to be scientists. Well if you talk science so much why can’t you appreciate the facts we revere?

Let me shoot it out:



  1. Right after conception/fertilization a single cell in the egg contains genetic information we cannot fathom in a lifetime. Information enough to contain million page or twenty four times of Encyclopedia Britannica. (1)


Human_Embryo_-_Approximately_8_weeks_estimated_gestational_age2. An embryo responds to stimuli and exhibits reflexes as early as 53 days after conception. i.e in 7 1/2 weeks.By 8 weeks all major organs are formed. This is irrefutable since the organs are harvested, sold and used for other purposes. They feel touch and exhibit aggression.(watch videos in reference section) And how can they argue they don’t feel pain?(2)


3. If you believe Human Life begins at conception you can’t be for contraceptives. The reason being most of the contraceptive do not stop conception rather they work in the famous three step process ending up being abortifacient most of the time. IUD, Nuvaring, Birth control pill, Mini Pill, Depo Provera, Morning After Pill all work in one same way of flushing the newly fertilized zygote before implantation. The zygote travels for 3-4 days from uterine tube to uterus and that’s the time when chemical attack against them begins causing them to starve and flush out . (3)



4. Pro choice people do not know that the IVF clinics which fertilize eggs outside uterus artificially, inject the fertilized zygote after 2-6 days of fertilization  into the uterus.  So why IVF clinics implant the fertilized egg within 2 days ? there is life? life to be allowed to grow in uterus? They wouldn’t inject dead organism into uterus? If they know real science they know when life begins. How come they are for science when it’s IVF and against science when it’s natural pregnancy?

5. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is the quality test done in IVF clinics on embryos. Apart from the fact that embryos which does not pass the test will be destroyed or used for experiment,the PGD is done before implantation. If the embryonic cell before implantation is used to find future information of possible defects, illness etc How can they say embryo is not human yet?


Continue reading

Pro Life challenge- INDIA

When I talk to people in India about Pro Life issues, I am often caught up in a whirlpool of confusion. They think the west is the worse. Only western women drink and hook up and do abortions. Excuse me. There’s something worse happening in our Motherland.Yes, abortions are happening in India in massive scale. 6.4 million abortion in a year. Evidence? Here you go, from the devil’s mouth :


and massive ethnic cleansing is also happening with the government’s cooperation. How ridiculous am I to say that? Because I have evidence. 4 million sterilization and 5 million IUD insertions done by government and it’s mentioned as “Performance” in the Health Management Information System website of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India. here you go:


not my own statistics, not my own numbers. From the enemy’s den. What’s happening to my country? Who are behind this? Why are they doing this to my people? After 100 years of British colonization is there another 70 years of American cultural imperialism imposed over my people? Is this about Eugenics? Look at the CEO’s of the top companies and look at the massive population control propaganda, any link?

12829510_10153293696530974_480340900011244634_o And amidst all this, my people don’t know the concept of “Pro Life”. They know Breaking Bad, 50 shades of grey, they seem to follow American Idol, Golden Globe awards, they seem to know about Ellen and Big Bang Theory, Wife Swap, Modern Family, they watch 24, confession but they are completely unaware of March for Life , David Daleiden , Planned Parenthood. Eugenics? Sorry they have not even heard of the word before, Genocide? Nope, sorry-they need a seminar on this, Ok talk about China’s one child policy, because they are India’s neighboring country with troubled relationship? Still no. Fine, how about the Emergency period of India declared in 1970’s, it’s our history, the history of the nation? still NO.

The Indians young and old are immersed in the rush to finish school, get a job, repay loan and buy a house. Once they buy a house take a picture and post in facebook to inform others of their status quo and seeing this ten others will run around to buy a better house and post it in facebook. And by this time another 4 million children will be aborted and 5 million women used as experiment subjects for massive contraception test for United States. We have an urgent need to capture the attention of this ever rushing population to speak for their innocent neighbors slaughtered in the womb. There’s a huge cultural gap. While the Pro Choice ideals cross countries and barriers and found its place in India Pro-Life issues has no voice. The Media blacked out everything. No coverage for March for Life, No coverage for Planned Parenthood Baby Parts scandal. So when I say Pro Life, they stare at me and wonder what on earth am I talking about. To the little known friends I beg to get involved in any small way they can, as simple as posting in fb, make videos, at least share stuff, I requested great Prolife leaders to speak on behalf of India, wrote to pro life media,  requested priests in India to speak out but they weren’t ready either.

So I took things in my hand. I will communicate to my people in the way they can understand. No more western images, western quotes, western ideology. We have Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi the two most terrifying Pro Life leaders who are Pro Life without exceptions and have been outspoken about abortion and dignity of human life, I have my own camera,saree and baby models. I’ll use social media to present the truth and help them connect the dots, and the Almighty will use them to convert hearts.



Instagram is exploding with reactions, conversations and conversion and am having quite a bit of fun sitting and witnessing what it means to “Be still and know that I am God.” Anyone who know 5 loaves and two fish parable knows that nothing is too small or too weak to be used for the greater glory of God. I began with Mr.M as a feeble indian woman reluctant to talk to people and now I  get cursed at least twice a day for speaking truth and keep presenting them with LOVE. #StopabortioninIndia ! Jai Hind!

Love amidst Terror

The world is going deranged by the islamic terror attacks. It’s confusing to understand ISIS, ISIL, Boko Haram, the Syrian genocide, the American politics in the Islamization, the role of gulf and oil issue, the terror strike in Boston, Paris, Belgium and in Pakistan. There seems to be a draconian erupt of violence that seems to make a noon day into a night of hopelessness and despair. Nobody is safe and nowhere is secure. The evil that has been unleashed seems to drown humanity into a madness. But even this Tsunami of evil could not overcome the powerful effect of the most vulnerable, unseen, unheard, almost invisible tiny person who proclaimed the message of Hope and Love in the middle of, exactly in the middle of the deafening screams of bomb blasts and maddening shouts of cry for help. The life most unseen shouts to deaf ears of human insanity. The terrorists who plotted the bomb blasts in Brussels were put to shame by an not even born, 16 week old fragile child who proved love is stronger than death, leave alone hate. When no news media or world politicians could give hope, console the suffering, heal the wounds, build the faith, instil courage to fight hate against love, this fragile person mostly considered unimportant by the world makes a difference by doing nothing but simply by being, by one’s own presence. As simple as that.

It must have been a disaster for the schematics who planned Brussels because Sneha doesn’t remember any part of the blast that can induce hate, anger, revenge, fear or despair but only the message of love that was proclaimed by her child and not even the death of 30 people and 300 injured could lessen the effect of this unborn person’s voice of hope. There’s no powerful love than that of a mother yet in this case we could say there’s no unconditional love than that of an unborn child who made the mother realize her own self.


“No greater love than this, to lay one’s own life to one’s friends”-  John 15:13 this is an undervalued statement. But in this throwaway culture where babies are burden to parents, having children is unfashionable, Euthanasia means cost effective and suicide is more than acceptable; where 191 countries out of 194 allow abortion for the sake of saving a mother’s life, where rules are laid for allowing zygotes to implant in uterus only if they pass PGD test, where tiny humans are frozen in vials not allowed to be grown to live life and attain happiness, where so called unfit embryos are thrashed, thawed or their ovaries used in IVF clinics to create and fashion new humans and play around mixing mice to humans and humans to mice, where mothers are not allowed to love babies with down syndrome, where intelligent quotient matters more than spiritual quotient the meaning of love and laying one’s life is lost.

But it was only when Sneha realizes her own life is in danger, she forgets about herself and thinks about another person in her. This ability to think about someone else other than yourself while your own life is in the brink of death is what is called “LOVE”. This ability to forget self and be obsessed for the good of the other is called LOVE. This capacity to overlook one’s own needs and desires and to live and give for the other is called “LOVE”. And this LOVE was kindled in her by this tiny, insignificant, almost invisible 16 week old pre born baby.

Edith Stein says “A Woman is destined to be a Mother“. And the world is facing a crisis of Motherhood not crisis pregnancy.  Woman have lost the meaning of their innate vocation i.e; their nature to be a mother irrespective of marriage or pregnancy. The nature to nurture, love and give one’s life for another, the tendency to be lost for another for the sake of another. Rather it’s all about oneself now. No more motherhood, running around changing diapers, no more giving up higher studies for sake of building strong men and women who will bear witness for life, no more cooking and cleaning. The tumor of false feminist ideas that push women to be like men stealing not just femininity from women but even motherhood has resulted in the world’s largest ever witnessed genocide- Abortion. But all this is thrust down by the 16 week unborn baby who makes Sneha realize her true identity. All of a sudden the internet goes crazy by this woman’s realization of Motherhood. This is the power of life.

Let every woman be reminded of her greatness while she does the dishes, hides in the hustle bustle of creating masterpieces co operating with the Creator, while cooking or cleaning, making bed and waiting on children that all her not so celebrated sacrifices, not so advertized achievements sanctifies the world torn apart by indifference and selfishness.

Note:  This is a tribute to my mother who is a housewife and who thought she never achieved anything,  to M’s wife Col who stayed home to bring up four children in faith in the world’s most radical feminist society giving up her career in Nursing, to Nic who wants to be a stay at home mom, to my friend juan who takes pride in being a full time mother running around feeding the kid after obtaining a Master’s in Social Work, to St.Zelie Martin the saintly mother and too all the unborn babies aborted daily and thrown into trash.

Abortion- global view

Status of Abortion in countries around the globe

Abortion is legal in all but 4 countries around the world i.e; 191 countries out of 195 allow abortion for one or other reason and the common reason is to save the life and health of the mother. So do you think there’s a change in the evolution of ‘Motherhood’ around centuries? When fear creeps in…love is lost.

use ctrl+f keys to search the country you are specifically interested in or follow the alphabetical order for convenience. For a detailed list of status of abortion in case of rape, in case of babies with disabilities, in case of socio-economic conditions and much more go to : https://goo.gl/fPXsJI

  1. Afghanistan (Kabul) (AS) ———————————————-YES
  2. Albania (Tirane) (EU)———————–– ————————-YES
  3. Algeria (Algiers) (AF)————————————————-YES
  4. Andorra (Andorra la Vella) (EU)—————————————–YES
  5. Angola (Luanda) (AF)————————————————YES
  6. Antigua and Barbuda (St. John’s) (NA)————————————YES
  7. Argentina (Buenos Aires) (SA)——————————————YES
  8. Armenia (Yerevan) (EU)————————————————YES
  9. Australia (Canberra) (AU)———————————————YES
  10. Austria (Vienna) (EU)————————————————-YES
  11. Azerbaijan (Baku) (AS)————————————————YES
  12. Bahamas (Nassau) (NA)———————————————–YES
  13. Bahrain (Manama) (AS)————————————————YES
  14. Bangladesh (Dhaka) (AS)———————————————–YES
  15. Barbados (Bridgetown) (NA)——————————————–YES
  16. Belarus (Minsk) (EU)————————————————–YES
  17. Belgium (Brussels) (EU)————————————————YES
  18. Belize (Belmopan) (NA)————————————————YES
  19. Benin (Porto-Novo) (AF)———————————————–YES
  20. Bhutan (Thimphu) (AS)————————————————YES
  21. Bolivia (Sucre) (SA)—————————————————YES
  22. Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo) (EU)———————————-YES
  23. Botswana (Gaborone) (AF)———————————————-YES
  24. Brazil (Brasilia) (SA)—————————————————YES
  25. Brunei (Bandar Seri Begawan) (AS)—————————————YES
  26. Bulgaria (Sofia) (EU)————————————————–YES
  27. Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou) (AF)—————————————-YES
  28. Burma/Myanmar (Nay Pyi Taw) (AS)————————————-YES
  29. Burundi (Bujumbura) (AF)———————————————-YES
  30. Cambodia (Phnom Penh) (AS)——————————————-YES
  31. Cameroon (Yaounde) (AF)———————————————-YES
  32. Canada (Ottawa) (NA)————————————————-YES
  33. Cape Verde (Praia) (EU – Portugal)—————————————YES
  34. Central African Republic (Bangui) (AF)———————————–YES
  35. Chad (N’Djamena) (AF)————————————————YES
  36. Chile (Santiago) (SA)—————————————————NO
  37. China (Beijing) (AS)—————————————————YES
  38. Colombia (Bogota) (SA)————————————————YES
  39. Comoros (Moroni) (AF)————————————————YES
  40. Congo (Brazzaville) (AF)———————————————–YES
  41. Congo, Democratic Republic of (Kinshasa) (AF)—————————-YES
  42. Costa Rica (San Jose) (NA)———————————————-YES
  43. Cote d’Ivoire/Ivory Coast (Yamoussoukro) (AF)—————————–YES
  44. Croatia (Zagreb) (EU)————————————————–YES
  45. Cuba (Havana) (NA)—————————————————YES
  46. Cyprus (Nicosia) (AS) and/or (EU)—————————————-YES
  47. Czech Republic (Prague) (EU)——————————————-YES
  48. Denmark (Copenhagen) (EU)——————————————–YES
  49. Djibouti (Djibouti) (AF)————————————————YES
  50. Dominica (Roseau) (NA)———————————————–YES
  51. Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo) (NA)——————————-YES
  52. East Timor (Dili) (AS)————————————————-YES
  53. Ecuador (Quito) (SA)————————————————–YES
  54. Egypt (Cairo) (AF)—————————————————-YES
  55. El Salvador (San Salvador) (NA)——————————————NO
  56. Equatorial Guinea (Malabo) (AF)—————————————-YES
  57. Eritrea (Asmara) (AF)————————————————-YES
  58. Estonia (Tallinn) (EU)————————————————-YES
  59. Ethiopia (Addis Ababa) (AF)——————————————–YES
  60. Fiji (Suva) (AU – Oceania)———————————————–YES
  61. Finland (Helsinki) (EU)————————————————YES
  62. France (Paris) (EU)—————————————————-YES
  63. Gabon (Libreville) (AF)————————————————-YES
  64. Gambia (Banjul) (AF)————————————————–YES
  65. Georgia (Tbilisi) (EU)————————————————–YES
  66. Germany (Berlin) (EU)————————————————-YES
  67. Ghana (Accra) (AF)—————————————————-YES
  68. Greece (Athens) (EU)————————————————–YES
  69. Grenada (St. George’s) (NA)———————————————YES
  70. Guatemala (Guatemala City) (NA)—————————————-YES
  71. Guinea (Conakry) (AF)————————————————-YES
  72. Guinea-Bissau (Bissau) (AF)——————————————–YES
  73. Guyana (Georgetown) (SA)———————————————-YES
  74. Haiti (Port-au-Prince) (NA)———————————————YES
  75. Honduras (Tegucigalpa) (NA)——————————————-YES
  76. Hungary (Budapest) (EU)———————————————–YES
  77. Iceland (Reykjavik) (EU)————————————————YES
  78. India (New Delhi) (AS)————————————————-YES
  79. Indonesia (Jakarta) (AS)———————————————–YES
  80. Iran (Tehran) (AS)—————————————————-YES
  81. Iraq (Baghdad) (AS)—————————————————YES
  82. Ireland (Dublin) (EU)————————————————–YES
  83. Israel (Jerusalem) (AS)————————————————-YES
  84. Italy (Rome) (EU)—————————————————–YES
  85. Jamaica (Kingston) (NA)———————————————–YES
  86. Japan (Tokyo) (AS)—————————————————-YES
  87. Jordan (Amman) (AS)————————————————–YES
  88. Kazakhstan (Astana) (AS)———————————————-YES
  89. Kenya (Nairobi) (AF)————————————————–YES
  90. Kiribati (South Tarawa) (AU – Oceania)————————————YES
  91. Korea, North (Pyongyang) (AS)——————————————YES
  92. Korea, South (Seoul) (AS)———————————————-YES
  93. Kuwait (Kuwait City) (AS)———————————————–YES
  94. Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek) (AS)———————————————-YES
  95. Laos (Vientiane) (AS)————————————————–YES
  96. Latvia (Riga) (EU)—————————————————-YES
  97. Lebanon (Beirut) (AS)————————————————-YES
  98. Lesotho (Maseru) (AF)————————————————YES
  99. Liberia (Monrovia) (AF)————————————————YES
  100. Libya (Tripoli) (AF)—————————————————-YES
  101. Liechtenstein (Vaduz) (EU)———————————————YES
  102. Lithuania (Vilnius) (EU)————————————————YES
  103. Luxembourg (Luxembourg) (EU)—————————————–YES
  104. Macedonia (Skopje) (EU)———————————————–YES
  105. Madagascar (Antananarivo) (AF)—————————————–YES
  106. Malawi (Lilongwe) (AF)————————————————YES
  107. Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) (AS)——————————————-YES
  108. Maldives (Male) (AS)————————————————–YES
  109. Mali (Bamako) (AF)—————————————————YES
  110. Malta (Valletta) (EU)—————————————————NO
  111. Marshall Islands (Majuro) (AU – Oceania)———————————-YES
  112. Mauritania (Nouakchott) (AF)——————————————-YES
  113. Mauritius (Port Louis) (AF)———————————————YES
  114. Mexico (Mexico City) (NA)———————————————-YES
  115. Micronesia (Palikir) (AU – Oceania)—————————————YES
  116. Moldova (Chisinau) (EU)———————————————–YES
  117. Monaco (Monaco) (EU)————————————————YES
  118. Mongolia (Ulan Bator) (AS)———————————————YES
  119. Montenegro (Podgorica) (EU)——————————————-YES
  120. Morocco (Rabat) (AF) (including Western Sahara)————————–YES
  121. Mozambique (Maputo) (AF)——————————————–YES
  122. Namibia (Windhoek) (AF)———————————————-YES
  123. Nauru (no official capital) (AU – Oceania)———————————–YES
  124. Nepal (Kathmandu) (AS)———————————————–YES
  125. Netherlands (Amsterdam, The Hague) (EU)———————————YES
  126. New Zealand (Wellington) (AU)——————————————YES
  127. Nicaragua (Managua) (NA)———————————————YES
  128. Niger (Niamey) (AF)—————————————————YES
  129. Nigeria (Abuja) (AF)————————————————–YES
  130. Norway (Oslo) (EU)—————————————————YES
  131. Oman (Muscat) (AS)—————————————————YES
  132. Pakistan (Islamabad) (AS)———————————————-YES
  133. Palau (Koror) (AU – Oceania)——————————————–YES
  134. Panama (Panama City) (NA)——————————————–YES
  135. Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby) (AU)———————————–YES
  136. Paraguay (Asuncion) (SA)———————————————-YES
  137. Peru (Lima) (SA)—————————————————–YES
  138. Philippines (Manila) (AS)———————————————-YES
  139. Poland (Warsaw) (EU)————————————————-YES
  140. Portugal (Lisbon) (EU)————————————————-YES
  141. Qatar (Doha) (AS)—————————————————–YES
  142. Romania (Bucharest) (EU)———————————————-YES
  143. Russian Federation (Moscow) (AS)—————————————YES
  144. Rwanda (Kigali) (AF)————————————————–YES
  145. Saint Kitts and Nevis (Basseterre) (NA)———————————–YES
  146. Saint Lucia (Castries) (NA)———————————————-YES
  147. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Kingstown) (NA)————————YES
  148. Samoa (Apia) (AU – Oceania)——————————————–YES
  149. San Marino (San Marino) (EU)——————————————-YES
  150. Sao Tome and Principe (Sao Tome) (AF)———————————-YES
  151. Saudi Arabia (Riyadh) (AS)———————————————YES
  152. Senegal (Dakar) (AF)————————————————–YES
  153. Serbia (Belgrade) (EU)————————————————-YES
  154. Seychelles (Victoria) (AF)———————————————-YES
  155. Sierra Leone (Freetown) (AF)——————————————-YES
  156. Singapore (Singapore City) (AS)—————————————–YES
  157. Slovakia (Bratislava) (EU)———————————————-YES
  158. Slovenia (Ljubljana) (EU)———————————————YES
  159. Solomon Islands (Honiara) (AU – Oceania)——————————–YES
  160. Somalia (Mogadishu) (AF)———————————————YES
  161. South Africa (Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein) (AF)———————–YES
  162. South Sudan (Juba) (AF)———————————————-YES
  163. Spain (Madrid) (EU)————————————————–YES
  164. Sri Lanka (Colombo) (AS)———————————————-YES
  165. Sudan (Khartoum) (AF)———————————————–YES
  166. Suriname (Paramaribo) (SA)——————————————-YES
  167. Swaziland (Mbabane) (AF)——————————————–YES
  168. Sweden (Stockholm) (EU)———————————————-YES
  169. Switzerland (Bern) (EU)———————————————–YES
  170. Syria (Damascus) (AS)————————————————-YES
  171. Tajikistan (Dushanbe) (AS)———————————————YES
  172. Tanzania (Dodoma) (AF)———————————————–YES
  173. Thailand (Bangkok) (AS)———————————————–YES
  174. Togo (Lome) (AF)—————————————————–YES
  175. Tonga (Nuku’alofa) (AU – Oceania)—————————————-YES
  176. Trinidad and Tobago (Port-of-Spain) (NA)——————————–YES
  177. Tunisia (Tunis) (AF)—————————————————YES
  178. Turkey (Ankara) (AS) & (EU)——————————————–YES
  179. Turkmenistan (Ashgabat) (AS)——————————————YES
  180. Tuvalu (Funafuti) (AU – Oceania)—————————————–YES
  181. Uganda (Kampala) (AF)————————————————YES
  182. Ukraine (Kiev) (EU)—————————————————YES
  183. United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) (AS)———————————–YES
  184. United Kingdom (London) (EU)—————————————–YES
  185. United States (Washington D.C.) (NA)————————————-YES
  186. Uruguay (Montevideo) (SA)———————————————YES
  187. Uzbekistan (Tashkent) (AS)———————————————YES
  188. Vanuatu (Port-Vila) (AU – Oceania)—————————————YES
  189. Vatican City (na) (EU)————————————————-NO
  190. Venezuela (Caracas) (SA)———————————————–YES
  191. Vietnam (Hanoi) (AS)————————————————-YES
  192. Yemen (Sana) (AS)—————————————————YES
  193. Zambia (Lusaka) (AF)————————————————-YES
  194. Zimbabwe (Harare) (AF)———————————————–YES


“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? ….” Is:49:15